think about what this looks like before you try to figure out what it is
it shows how details may differ from one level of the Cosmic zoom to another, but the pattern of existence is universal
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Blessed Be
how mad is he?
nearly everyone in the Queer [i.e. lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, androgynous, transsexual, hermaphrodite, inter-sexed, two-spirited, omnisexual, asexual, questioning youth, etc (LGBTATHISTSOAQYe)] Community knows who Fred Waldron Phelps, Sr. is, but not many of us thought he might be this disturbed, or this much of a danger
The Bilerico Project reports that the Westboro Baptist Church pastor may be encouraging his flock, and other God-fearing evangelicals who’d rather die before having one of us as a neighbour, to participate in the ultimate protest, à la Jim Jones’s Peoples Temple Flavor Aid farewell party or Heaven's Gate's phenobarbital maritinis
apparently, Rev. Phelps has been rallying the troops since August 2007 through Westboro’s God Hates America website, no surprise when you consider the content of the church’s homepage
I know that, theoretically, he cannot enter Canada, but stay safe ~ be careful what you drink!
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Blessed Be
The Bilerico Project reports that the Westboro Baptist Church pastor may be encouraging his flock, and other God-fearing evangelicals who’d rather die before having one of us as a neighbour, to participate in the ultimate protest, à la Jim Jones’s Peoples Temple Flavor Aid farewell party or Heaven's Gate's phenobarbital maritinis
apparently, Rev. Phelps has been rallying the troops since August 2007 through Westboro’s God Hates America website, no surprise when you consider the content of the church’s homepage
I know that, theoretically, he cannot enter Canada, but stay safe ~ be careful what you drink!
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Blessed Be
stuff …
my, aren’t we busy these days ! …
… what with Saturn’s ongoing confrontation with the rest of the solar system, including an alignment last seen at the beginning of the 60s flower-powered anti-capitalist wave …
… and the dawning of a reformist fervour not seen in 250 years, not since the days of tea parties and revolutions … plus the economy … plus the climate … plus … plus …
no wonder the world seems crazier than ever [p.s. if you’re looking for an astrologer, send your birth data to Raven Astrology and tell me why, I’ll send you my exchange rates]
meanwhile, I can’t even keep up with my own reading list, which currently includes:
✪ The Buddha and Suze, correlating the Four Noble Truths with money management
✪ another Utne Reader summary about Karen Miller’s 8 tips for mindful parenting
✪ the search for lost planets
✪ and multiple postings about the so-called financial crisis, like the waning support for capitalism, 21st Century tea parties, and the failure of Obama’s bailouts
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Blessed Be

… and the dawning of a reformist fervour not seen in 250 years, not since the days of tea parties and revolutions … plus the economy … plus the climate … plus … plus …
no wonder the world seems crazier than ever [p.s. if you’re looking for an astrologer, send your birth data to Raven Astrology and tell me why, I’ll send you my exchange rates]
meanwhile, I can’t even keep up with my own reading list, which currently includes:
✪ The Buddha and Suze, correlating the Four Noble Truths with money management
✪ another Utne Reader summary about Karen Miller’s 8 tips for mindful parenting
✪ the search for lost planets
✪ and multiple postings about the so-called financial crisis, like the waning support for capitalism, 21st Century tea parties, and the failure of Obama’s bailouts
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Blessed Be
global what ?
which blind man has the right description of the 800-ton elephant we call by so many names: … greenhouse effect … global warming … climate change … etc?
the World Meteorological Organization says 1998 was the hottest year since we started keeping records in the 19th century
but according to Planet Ark the 11 scientists who approved the final report from the UN's 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change think the planet’s still warming and faster than ever
meanwhile, few of them factor in the correlations between planet temperatures and solar energy
watch the WCC*3 website to keep track of the arguments at the next World Climate Conference, in Geneva next September
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Blessed Be
the World Meteorological Organization says 1998 was the hottest year since we started keeping records in the 19th century
but according to Planet Ark the 11 scientists who approved the final report from the UN's 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change think the planet’s still warming and faster than ever
meanwhile, few of them factor in the correlations between planet temperatures and solar energy
watch the WCC*3 website to keep track of the arguments at the next World Climate Conference, in Geneva next September
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Blessed Be
save the planet ?
when I worked for Greenpeace briefly in the early 90s, running the Vancouver Island canvass and occasionally
driving Zodiacs, we published a tri-fold pamphlet with the headline, Hope For The Planet
around that time, someone published a catalog of environment challenges and do-able solutions for each one
I started sometimes saying, except at the doors of course, that "the pamphlet (was) misleading, because there (was) no hope for the planet; we could save the planet, but there's no profit in it"
since then I have come to understand that the planet, solar plasma bursts notwithstanding, will likely out-survive Neanderthals and their descendants by millions or billions of years; hope for homo sapiens, however, is a different matter, although we are likely to out-survive frogs and butterflies
while environmentalists still preach a gospel of hope, there’s an inherent contradiction in their hopeful environmental message, according to Michael Nelson and John Vucetich; UTNE Reader’s posted an abstract of their article in Ecologist
In his 2006 essay Beyond Hope, posted to Orion Magazine, Derrick Jensen opened by sharing that …
‘THE MOST COMMON WORDS I hear spoken by any environmentalists anywhere are, We’re fucked. …’
later, he suggests …
‘... When we realize the degree of agency we actually do have, we no longer have to “hope” at all. We simply do the work. We make sure salmon survive. We make sure prairie dogs survive. We make sure grizzlies survive. We do whatever it takes. …’
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Blessed Be

around that time, someone published a catalog of environment challenges and do-able solutions for each one
I started sometimes saying, except at the doors of course, that "the pamphlet (was) misleading, because there (was) no hope for the planet; we could save the planet, but there's no profit in it"
since then I have come to understand that the planet, solar plasma bursts notwithstanding, will likely out-survive Neanderthals and their descendants by millions or billions of years; hope for homo sapiens, however, is a different matter, although we are likely to out-survive frogs and butterflies
while environmentalists still preach a gospel of hope, there’s an inherent contradiction in their hopeful environmental message, according to Michael Nelson and John Vucetich; UTNE Reader’s posted an abstract of their article in Ecologist
In his 2006 essay Beyond Hope, posted to Orion Magazine, Derrick Jensen opened by sharing that …
‘THE MOST COMMON WORDS I hear spoken by any environmentalists anywhere are, We’re fucked. …’
later, he suggests …
‘... When we realize the degree of agency we actually do have, we no longer have to “hope” at all. We simply do the work. We make sure salmon survive. We make sure prairie dogs survive. We make sure grizzlies survive. We do whatever it takes. …’
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Blessed Be
there are all kinds of them [oracles]
are chicken entrails oracles because some can read them?
or can anything be an oracle if the reader believes it is [an oracle]?
or does that depend upon who the reader is?
e.g. I work with Tarot, medicine cards, astrological synchronicities, intuition, analysis
so, do my readings work because I’m reading oracles, or because I am the one who is reading these oracles?
and why do the visions of psychic or shamanic-based readers seem to be so uncannily prophetic compared with those who are anchored in physical/material realities? [actually, they’re playing parlour games, not doing readings]
want an Internet oracle? one of the 1st I found years ago was the Interlude Thought of the Day page on the Cybermonks’ website; it's always been near-perfect for my world, either personally or sometimes for those I relate to in my or adjacent dimensions
check it out; make it your browser homepage and start every day with some words of wisdom
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Blessed Be
are chicken entrails oracles because some can read them?
or can anything be an oracle if the reader believes it is [an oracle]?
or does that depend upon who the reader is?
e.g. I work with Tarot, medicine cards, astrological synchronicities, intuition, analysis
so, do my readings work because I’m reading oracles, or because I am the one who is reading these oracles?
and why do the visions of psychic or shamanic-based readers seem to be so uncannily prophetic compared with those who are anchored in physical/material realities? [actually, they’re playing parlour games, not doing readings]
want an Internet oracle? one of the 1st I found years ago was the Interlude Thought of the Day page on the Cybermonks’ website; it's always been near-perfect for my world, either personally or sometimes for those I relate to in my or adjacent dimensions
check it out; make it your browser homepage and start every day with some words of wisdom
more next time
Blessed Be
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