what if …

… we had 90 seconds to duck & cover?

and what if, instead of a solar storm, it's The Big One off the Pacific NorthWest coast, or another killer asteroid, or a thermonuclear suitcase bomb, or … ?

now, I don’t mean to be apocalyptic ~ or maybe I do, considering the word apocalypse originally referred to hidden knowledge, not ‘end of the world’ ~ but I’ve never believed ignorance is bliss, and if it were, shouldn’t we all know exactly what’s going on? after all, not many of the people I see in my daily life seem to demonstrate much bliss, ignorant or otherwise

I’ve never understood why so few people want to pay attention to anything outside their backyard, if they even look that far; that’s like keeping your eyes closed on a roller-coaster ride

if life is so fragile, shouldn’t we celebrate it more and treat one another better?

more next time

Blessed Be

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