anybody out there ... ?

well burn me at the stake if I haven't been neglecting my blog for awhile, busy writing on other people's blogs and working on my books

with Samhain just over the horizon, I'm considering the whelming response SpiderLines has elicited from readers [if there are any] in the year it's been online, and wondering if there's any point to picking up the pace again; if I'm just writing for myself, I'll save it in my journal

comments ?

Blessed Be


Heather L said...

Well I for one I enjoy it...though I do not get on here as much as I would like, truth be told.

Anonymous said...

I've read all your posts, R., and appreciated everything you wrote. I'm so sorry to discover that you passed away a few weeks ago. You made an incredible difference in my life and changed me profoundly. Thank you so much.

Sharon in Ottawa, January 15, 2013

Laura said...

I just read Sharon's post only to discover that you had past away. I'm so sorry to hear that. You were a customer of mine when I worked at the pub in Maple Bay and I always enjoyed our chats.