well burn me at the stake if I haven't been neglecting my blog for awhile, busy writing on other people's blogs and working on my books
with Samhain just over the horizon, I'm considering the whelming response SpiderLines has elicited from readers [if there are any] in the year it's been online, and wondering if there's any point to picking up the pace again; if I'm just writing for myself, I'll save it in my journal
comments ?
Blessed Be
ink blots unwired
don't worry about psych tests, especially the ink blots; now there's no reason to fear, or fail, the Rorschach
link = www.livescience.com
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link = www.livescience.com
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the new separatism

I'm talking about the Second American Revolution
astrologers have been watching the evolution of Pluto-in-Capricorn energy for some time, the same patterns that led to the tea parties and regime changes of the 18th Century, the last time Pluto passed through Capricorn; it’s somewhat mind boggling that so few people see this coming, but I guess King George was surprised, too
of course, there’ve always been right wingnuts south of the 49th, but more, it seems, over the past few decades; and now they’re trying to go legit - in the early days, at least - working for change within the system, and using the Tenth Amendment:
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
one of the things you didn’t hear on the 6 o’clock news is that just before Sarah Palin resigned, she signed a resolution, adopted by a vote of 37-0 in Alaska’s House of Representatives and 40-0 in the state Senate, claiming “sovereignty for the state under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the Constitution of the United States”
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KKK Today
a recently de-classified Department of Homeland Security report warns Americans to expect growing right-wing extremism from white nationalists, militias and groups like the Ku Klux Klan
so what’s the Klan like in the 21st Century? photographer Anthony Karen has spent a couple of years researching today’s Klan and Life Magazine just published a photo essay with some of the images from his new book, The Invisible Empire: Ku Klux Klan
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so what’s the Klan like in the 21st Century? photographer Anthony Karen has spent a couple of years researching today’s Klan and Life Magazine just published a photo essay with some of the images from his new book, The Invisible Empire: Ku Klux Klan
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Blessed Be
great globs of gunk
there’s some kind of gunk growing off Alaska that no one’s seen before, and no one knows yet what it is or where it came from
it looks like what Newfoundlanders call slub, but it’s strange that the Alaska version has appeared so suddenly; it’s been common around some Newfoundland harbours, especially St. John’s, for decades
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Blessed Be
it looks like what Newfoundlanders call slub, but it’s strange that the Alaska version has appeared so suddenly; it’s been common around some Newfoundland harbours, especially St. John’s, for decades
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Blessed Be
Holy Hair!
time warp ?
I had to read the beginning of Patti’s blog posting about hair over again, just to make sure I was reading it right
then my first thought was about how much some of our current Cosmic energy pattern reflects the energies of the 60s, one of the many periods when the length of hair has been a volatile subject; seems it still is [forget climate change! cut your hair!]
check it out @ Patti’s Paganism / Wicca Blog
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Blessed Be
I had to read the beginning of Patti’s blog posting about hair over again, just to make sure I was reading it right
then my first thought was about how much some of our current Cosmic energy pattern reflects the energies of the 60s, one of the many periods when the length of hair has been a volatile subject; seems it still is [forget climate change! cut your hair!]
check it out @ Patti’s Paganism / Wicca Blog
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E.T. sees red
thinking of Earth as ‘the blue planet’ has been a popular myth, particularly since we saw the first snap shots the astronauts took from orbit and the moon
but from farther away, ‘pale blue dot’-distance and beyond, planets like Earth actually look red because biological molecules such as oxygen, water, carbon dioxide and methane show up in the red wavelengths
so if E.T. is looking for us, she’s not likely to be paying attention to blue dots
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Blessed Be

so if E.T. is looking for us, she’s not likely to be paying attention to blue dots
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Solstice at the 'henge
is it just me, or is there some kind of dichotomatic puzzle about how people who celebrate Solstice could be so disrespectful of the environment?
why don't they just stay home and watch Oprah?
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Blessed Be
why don't they just stay home and watch Oprah?
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Barack’s betrayals
has Barack Obama completely compromised the ability for plebians to ever again trust or believe anything a politician says?
✪ did Obama misrepresent himself to the so-called ‘left-wing’, who were primarily responsible for electing him?
✪ and didn’t he promise to wind up the war?
✪ instead of starting new ones?
✪ what was the Guantánamo reversal about?
✪ what did he really mean when he spoke of transparency?
✪ even when he does some good thing, he strays from his campaign position and acts more like a right-wing Republican; remember the financial reforms needed to deal with the ‘crisis’? hope you didn’t expect any action on obscene salaries or accountability for the criminals
✪ and don’t even get me started on his ‘gay’ [i.e. LGB ... etc] equality platform
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Blessed Be
✪ did Obama misrepresent himself to the so-called ‘left-wing’, who were primarily responsible for electing him?
✪ and didn’t he promise to wind up the war?
✪ instead of starting new ones?
✪ what was the Guantánamo reversal about?
✪ what did he really mean when he spoke of transparency?
✪ even when he does some good thing, he strays from his campaign position and acts more like a right-wing Republican; remember the financial reforms needed to deal with the ‘crisis’? hope you didn’t expect any action on obscene salaries or accountability for the criminals
✪ and don’t even get me started on his ‘gay’ [i.e. LGB ... etc] equality platform
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Blessed Be
how many links are missing?
it wasn’t that long ago that ‘we’ thought Ida was ‘the missing link’
but a 2004 discovery suggests homo sapiens and the great apes parted at an evolutionary crossroads much more recently than that, and that the split happened in Europe, long after the apes had expanded beyond Africa
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Blessed Be
but a 2004 discovery suggests homo sapiens and the great apes parted at an evolutionary crossroads much more recently than that, and that the split happened in Europe, long after the apes had expanded beyond Africa
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Blessed Be
war inspires peace
one of the many human mysteries has been the question of how we evolved from the pack mentality of our caves and tribes to living together as social animals in [relatively] peaceful communities
apparently it was our warlike nature that drove us toward peaceful coexistence; constant bloody and lethal conflict with our neighbours drove us to build alliances with them instead [to organize bigger neighbourhoods, which let us have bigger wars]
wonder how far away we are yet from the global neighbourhood?
then we can declare war on the UFOs!
you can pay for the full article at Science mag or read a summary on the New Scientist website
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apparently it was our warlike nature that drove us toward peaceful coexistence; constant bloody and lethal conflict with our neighbours drove us to build alliances with them instead [to organize bigger neighbourhoods, which let us have bigger wars]
wonder how far away we are yet from the global neighbourhood?
then we can declare war on the UFOs!
you can pay for the full article at Science mag or read a summary on the New Scientist website
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Blessed Be
who knew?
many are amazed when they hear about things like the way some ancient construction, like Stonehenge or the pyramids, or sometimes even natural landscapes, casts some kind of unusual shadow or creates some kind of ray of light, but only on ‘special’ days like solstices, equinoxes and my mom’s birthday
if you’re looking to temper your amazement, consider that future archeologists may say the same thing about Manhattan
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Blessed Be
if you’re looking to temper your amazement, consider that future archeologists may say the same thing about Manhattan
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homo sapiens, the cannibal species
so, where did the Neanderthals go? their disappearance has never made evolutionary sense
turns out, we ate ‘em !
wonder if they tasted like chicken ?
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Blessed Be
turns out, we ate ‘em !
wonder if they tasted like chicken ?
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Blessed Be
dumber than prairie dogs ?
1st, this is by no means an atonement for the May 15 post about humourless Americans; the Goddess manages synchronicity
2nd, this is about humans, not just Canadians

3rd, are humans dumber than animals that communicate telepathically, or by some other unwritten and unspoken method ? like prairie dogs ?
4th, are we less-evolved than earthly species that communicate by deliberately manipulating their bio-chemical production ? like trees ?
5th, remember, “Nature is trying very hard to make us succeed, but nature does not depend on us. We are not the only experiment.” R. Buckminster Fuller
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Blessed Be
2nd, this is about humans, not just Canadians

3rd, are humans dumber than animals that communicate telepathically, or by some other unwritten and unspoken method ? like prairie dogs ?
4th, are we less-evolved than earthly species that communicate by deliberately manipulating their bio-chemical production ? like trees ?
5th, remember, “Nature is trying very hard to make us succeed, but nature does not depend on us. We are not the only experiment.” R. Buckminster Fuller
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Blessed Be
Today in History

On May 16, 1920 Pope Benedict XV canonized Jeanne d'Arc, who then became a patron saint of France.
The Burgundians arrested Jeanne by authority of the Inquisition, but lacked the nerve to kill her.
So they sold her to the English, who found Jeanne guilty of Witch craft and burned her at the stake on May 30, 1431, at the age of 19.
The Catholic Church pardoned her retroactively in 1452.
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Blessed Be
humourless Yanks
if your life is a trudge-trudge-glub-glub treadmill, you may not be aware of the anti-LGB...etc controversy about Miss California’s views on the Natural Family
if you are, you might find this video amusing, depending on whether you agree with her
if you don’t realize it’s a Queer-friendly parody within the 1st minute, please go to another page, quickly ~ I don’t want any hate mail
if do you realize it’s a parody, check out the YouTube comments under the video
isn’t that scary? no wonder they elected the Bushes, twice
[btw, for readers south of the 49th, humourless is the Canadian spelling]
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if you are, you might find this video amusing, depending on whether you agree with her
if you don’t realize it’s a Queer-friendly parody within the 1st minute, please go to another page, quickly ~ I don’t want any hate mail
if do you realize it’s a parody, check out the YouTube comments under the video
isn’t that scary? no wonder they elected the Bushes, twice
[btw, for readers south of the 49th, humourless is the Canadian spelling]
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Blessed Be
Cosmic riddles
one of the existential questions that’s always intrigued me is, if ‘God’ created the universe, where’d he come from?
in many religions the faithful simply reject the question: ‘God just is’, they say, and if you haven’t found him yet you just need to find ‘the Word’
I’ve never understood how this differs from the pagan concept that Square One is The Mystery; as long as we are here, in this space and time, on a physical plane of human existence, we simply do not know
but we are starting to realize the beginning of the universe may not have been the beginning of everything
my Nov 7/09 posting looked at the evidence there might be something ‘beyond this universe’; now there’s a question about whether the Cosmos existed before the Big Bang or whether this universe might be a perennial, self-recycling entity ~ like a peony in a bigger Cosmic garden
if you’re in to Cosmic riddles, you might also want to check out New Scientist’s list of 13 things that do not make sense
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Blessed Be
in many religions the faithful simply reject the question: ‘God just is’, they say, and if you haven’t found him yet you just need to find ‘the Word’
I’ve never understood how this differs from the pagan concept that Square One is The Mystery; as long as we are here, in this space and time, on a physical plane of human existence, we simply do not know
but we are starting to realize the beginning of the universe may not have been the beginning of everything
my Nov 7/09 posting looked at the evidence there might be something ‘beyond this universe’; now there’s a question about whether the Cosmos existed before the Big Bang or whether this universe might be a perennial, self-recycling entity ~ like a peony in a bigger Cosmic garden
if you’re in to Cosmic riddles, you might also want to check out New Scientist’s list of 13 things that do not make sense
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Blessed Be
who goes to WallyWorld?
WorldWideWeb at 40
Happy Birthday to the Internet, born in 1969 in a lab at the University of California, Los Angeles [UCLA]
it’s been about 10 years since I first heard the concept the Web is an evolutionary step in global consciousness, the Cosmic awakening of a planet, and the idea that the Internet represents the beginnings of neurons connecting and exchanging information with one another, the first step in planetary awareness
since then, I’ve come to know many paths, and come to appreciate them all as the spider lines that form the web of creation, evolution and consciousness [made – of course – by Spider Grandmother]
today, I recognize the momentum of evolutionary consciousness, from the teachings of Jesus to Madame Blavatsky to evolutionary enlightenment to Cosmic reconnections
all of which has prepared me for the idea the Internet could become Self-aware
Ben Goertzel, chair of the Artificial General Intelligence Research Institute, says the Internet already acts the way a brain does, and we might be able to “help wake it up” by asking it to search its own knowledge, find the gaps and do something about them
New Scientist has 7 more things you might not have known about the Internet
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Blessed Be
it’s been about 10 years since I first heard the concept the Web is an evolutionary step in global consciousness, the Cosmic awakening of a planet, and the idea that the Internet represents the beginnings of neurons connecting and exchanging information with one another, the first step in planetary awareness
since then, I’ve come to know many paths, and come to appreciate them all as the spider lines that form the web of creation, evolution and consciousness [made – of course – by Spider Grandmother]
today, I recognize the momentum of evolutionary consciousness, from the teachings of Jesus to Madame Blavatsky to evolutionary enlightenment to Cosmic reconnections
all of which has prepared me for the idea the Internet could become Self-aware
Ben Goertzel, chair of the Artificial General Intelligence Research Institute, says the Internet already acts the way a brain does, and we might be able to “help wake it up” by asking it to search its own knowledge, find the gaps and do something about them
New Scientist has 7 more things you might not have known about the Internet
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Blessed Be
as above, so below
think about what this looks like before you try to figure out what it is
it shows how details may differ from one level of the Cosmic zoom to another, but the pattern of existence is universal
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Blessed Be
it shows how details may differ from one level of the Cosmic zoom to another, but the pattern of existence is universal
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Blessed Be
how mad is he?
nearly everyone in the Queer [i.e. lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, androgynous, transsexual, hermaphrodite, inter-sexed, two-spirited, omnisexual, asexual, questioning youth, etc (LGBTATHISTSOAQYe)] Community knows who Fred Waldron Phelps, Sr. is, but not many of us thought he might be this disturbed, or this much of a danger
The Bilerico Project reports that the Westboro Baptist Church pastor may be encouraging his flock, and other God-fearing evangelicals who’d rather die before having one of us as a neighbour, to participate in the ultimate protest, à la Jim Jones’s Peoples Temple Flavor Aid farewell party or Heaven's Gate's phenobarbital maritinis
apparently, Rev. Phelps has been rallying the troops since August 2007 through Westboro’s God Hates America website, no surprise when you consider the content of the church’s homepage
I know that, theoretically, he cannot enter Canada, but stay safe ~ be careful what you drink!
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Blessed Be
The Bilerico Project reports that the Westboro Baptist Church pastor may be encouraging his flock, and other God-fearing evangelicals who’d rather die before having one of us as a neighbour, to participate in the ultimate protest, à la Jim Jones’s Peoples Temple Flavor Aid farewell party or Heaven's Gate's phenobarbital maritinis
apparently, Rev. Phelps has been rallying the troops since August 2007 through Westboro’s God Hates America website, no surprise when you consider the content of the church’s homepage
I know that, theoretically, he cannot enter Canada, but stay safe ~ be careful what you drink!
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Blessed Be
stuff …
my, aren’t we busy these days ! …
… what with Saturn’s ongoing confrontation with the rest of the solar system, including an alignment last seen at the beginning of the 60s flower-powered anti-capitalist wave …
… and the dawning of a reformist fervour not seen in 250 years, not since the days of tea parties and revolutions … plus the economy … plus the climate … plus … plus …
no wonder the world seems crazier than ever [p.s. if you’re looking for an astrologer, send your birth data to Raven Astrology and tell me why, I’ll send you my exchange rates]
meanwhile, I can’t even keep up with my own reading list, which currently includes:
✪ The Buddha and Suze, correlating the Four Noble Truths with money management
✪ another Utne Reader summary about Karen Miller’s 8 tips for mindful parenting
✪ the search for lost planets
✪ and multiple postings about the so-called financial crisis, like the waning support for capitalism, 21st Century tea parties, and the failure of Obama’s bailouts
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Blessed Be

… and the dawning of a reformist fervour not seen in 250 years, not since the days of tea parties and revolutions … plus the economy … plus the climate … plus … plus …
no wonder the world seems crazier than ever [p.s. if you’re looking for an astrologer, send your birth data to Raven Astrology and tell me why, I’ll send you my exchange rates]
meanwhile, I can’t even keep up with my own reading list, which currently includes:
✪ The Buddha and Suze, correlating the Four Noble Truths with money management
✪ another Utne Reader summary about Karen Miller’s 8 tips for mindful parenting
✪ the search for lost planets
✪ and multiple postings about the so-called financial crisis, like the waning support for capitalism, 21st Century tea parties, and the failure of Obama’s bailouts
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Blessed Be
global what ?
which blind man has the right description of the 800-ton elephant we call by so many names: … greenhouse effect … global warming … climate change … etc?
the World Meteorological Organization says 1998 was the hottest year since we started keeping records in the 19th century
but according to Planet Ark the 11 scientists who approved the final report from the UN's 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change think the planet’s still warming and faster than ever
meanwhile, few of them factor in the correlations between planet temperatures and solar energy
watch the WCC*3 website to keep track of the arguments at the next World Climate Conference, in Geneva next September
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Blessed Be
the World Meteorological Organization says 1998 was the hottest year since we started keeping records in the 19th century
but according to Planet Ark the 11 scientists who approved the final report from the UN's 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change think the planet’s still warming and faster than ever
meanwhile, few of them factor in the correlations between planet temperatures and solar energy
watch the WCC*3 website to keep track of the arguments at the next World Climate Conference, in Geneva next September
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Blessed Be
save the planet ?
when I worked for Greenpeace briefly in the early 90s, running the Vancouver Island canvass and occasionally
driving Zodiacs, we published a tri-fold pamphlet with the headline, Hope For The Planet
around that time, someone published a catalog of environment challenges and do-able solutions for each one
I started sometimes saying, except at the doors of course, that "the pamphlet (was) misleading, because there (was) no hope for the planet; we could save the planet, but there's no profit in it"
since then I have come to understand that the planet, solar plasma bursts notwithstanding, will likely out-survive Neanderthals and their descendants by millions or billions of years; hope for homo sapiens, however, is a different matter, although we are likely to out-survive frogs and butterflies
while environmentalists still preach a gospel of hope, there’s an inherent contradiction in their hopeful environmental message, according to Michael Nelson and John Vucetich; UTNE Reader’s posted an abstract of their article in Ecologist
In his 2006 essay Beyond Hope, posted to Orion Magazine, Derrick Jensen opened by sharing that …
‘THE MOST COMMON WORDS I hear spoken by any environmentalists anywhere are, We’re fucked. …’
later, he suggests …
‘... When we realize the degree of agency we actually do have, we no longer have to “hope” at all. We simply do the work. We make sure salmon survive. We make sure prairie dogs survive. We make sure grizzlies survive. We do whatever it takes. …’
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Blessed Be

around that time, someone published a catalog of environment challenges and do-able solutions for each one
I started sometimes saying, except at the doors of course, that "the pamphlet (was) misleading, because there (was) no hope for the planet; we could save the planet, but there's no profit in it"
since then I have come to understand that the planet, solar plasma bursts notwithstanding, will likely out-survive Neanderthals and their descendants by millions or billions of years; hope for homo sapiens, however, is a different matter, although we are likely to out-survive frogs and butterflies
while environmentalists still preach a gospel of hope, there’s an inherent contradiction in their hopeful environmental message, according to Michael Nelson and John Vucetich; UTNE Reader’s posted an abstract of their article in Ecologist
In his 2006 essay Beyond Hope, posted to Orion Magazine, Derrick Jensen opened by sharing that …
‘THE MOST COMMON WORDS I hear spoken by any environmentalists anywhere are, We’re fucked. …’
later, he suggests …
‘... When we realize the degree of agency we actually do have, we no longer have to “hope” at all. We simply do the work. We make sure salmon survive. We make sure prairie dogs survive. We make sure grizzlies survive. We do whatever it takes. …’
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Blessed Be
there are all kinds of them [oracles]
are chicken entrails oracles because some can read them?
or can anything be an oracle if the reader believes it is [an oracle]?
or does that depend upon who the reader is?
e.g. I work with Tarot, medicine cards, astrological synchronicities, intuition, analysis
so, do my readings work because I’m reading oracles, or because I am the one who is reading these oracles?
and why do the visions of psychic or shamanic-based readers seem to be so uncannily prophetic compared with those who are anchored in physical/material realities? [actually, they’re playing parlour games, not doing readings]
want an Internet oracle? one of the 1st I found years ago was the Interlude Thought of the Day page on the Cybermonks’ website; it's always been near-perfect for my world, either personally or sometimes for those I relate to in my or adjacent dimensions
check it out; make it your browser homepage and start every day with some words of wisdom
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Blessed Be
are chicken entrails oracles because some can read them?
or can anything be an oracle if the reader believes it is [an oracle]?
or does that depend upon who the reader is?
e.g. I work with Tarot, medicine cards, astrological synchronicities, intuition, analysis
so, do my readings work because I’m reading oracles, or because I am the one who is reading these oracles?
and why do the visions of psychic or shamanic-based readers seem to be so uncannily prophetic compared with those who are anchored in physical/material realities? [actually, they’re playing parlour games, not doing readings]
want an Internet oracle? one of the 1st I found years ago was the Interlude Thought of the Day page on the Cybermonks’ website; it's always been near-perfect for my world, either personally or sometimes for those I relate to in my or adjacent dimensions
check it out; make it your browser homepage and start every day with some words of wisdom
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Blessed Be
incoming !
it’s less than 20 years since killer asteroids started poking our awareness, after one just missed the planet, without our knowledge until it had passed
as we started learning more about these renegade rocks, the Cosmos put on an impressive show with Shoemaker-Levy, to demonstrate what one of these rocks can do, then threatened us with the early perceived potential of Hale Bop
there’ve been some big rocks recently that passed closer than the Moon, including one the size of the Tunguska boulder [imagine something like that over New York] that was just barely too high to hit one of the outer satellites [bah! who needs television broadcasts anyway, eh?]
now that we’re looking for them, we can see some of these rocks coming ~ by a few hours, or perhaps a few days
a Nature News feature looks at what happened last fall when we figured out one of them definitely had us in its cross-hairs
20 seconds after it penetrated the atmosphere, the asteroid exploded in a fireball that was seen across the Sudan and Egypt and dusted the sparsely populated Nubian Desert with a shower of hot, glowing embers
the initial search for fragments turned up several kilograms of alien material, with some pieces the size of a big potato
good thing it was only a drill
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Blessed Be
as we started learning more about these renegade rocks, the Cosmos put on an impressive show with Shoemaker-Levy, to demonstrate what one of these rocks can do, then threatened us with the early perceived potential of Hale Bop
there’ve been some big rocks recently that passed closer than the Moon, including one the size of the Tunguska boulder [imagine something like that over New York] that was just barely too high to hit one of the outer satellites [bah! who needs television broadcasts anyway, eh?]
now that we’re looking for them, we can see some of these rocks coming ~ by a few hours, or perhaps a few days
a Nature News feature looks at what happened last fall when we figured out one of them definitely had us in its cross-hairs
20 seconds after it penetrated the atmosphere, the asteroid exploded in a fireball that was seen across the Sudan and Egypt and dusted the sparsely populated Nubian Desert with a shower of hot, glowing embers
the initial search for fragments turned up several kilograms of alien material, with some pieces the size of a big potato
good thing it was only a drill
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Blessed Be
even rednecks can evolve
too bad it’s not faster, but Alberta [remember Ralph Klein?] is showing signs of philosophical and social – and deceivingly political [welcome to the future] – evolution [maybe it’s Barrack’s influence]
the province actually took the first step Feb 6, '09 with the appointment of a new human rights commissioner whose priorities include working protection of sexual orientation into Alberta human-rights legislation - soon
hey, change happens, although apparently not in Nigeria, Rwanda and Uganda
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Blessed Be
the province actually took the first step Feb 6, '09 with the appointment of a new human rights commissioner whose priorities include working protection of sexual orientation into Alberta human-rights legislation - soon
hey, change happens, although apparently not in Nigeria, Rwanda and Uganda
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Blessed Be
if you can’t stop witch-hunts …
... at least stop using the word
I was watching one of my favourite shows on the telly Thursday evening and was shocked, for some reason, when I heard the phrase ‘witch-hunt’ [there’s no smiley for my reaction]
I was shocked because I thought it was being used less these days; maybe it was an old show; maybe it was just harder to ignore on the day of the new Moon in Aries [happy new year!]
the original witch-hunts were a process of making false accusations against a large number of people and, usually, torturing or executing them; there were trials sometimes, but no one was acquitted, not even Joan, who ‘saved’ France
a significant proportion of those burned at the stake were spinster or widowed women who ‘owned’ land, which was then appropriated by The Church; smaller communities of victims included subversives and ‘sorceresses’; recent research indicates many victims were young women executed because of the way they reacted to moldy food, especially anything made with rye flour
the witch-hunt label is used mostly today to describe the process of searching out and harassing dissenters, a far cry from the original meaning; and accusing a dissenter of dissenting is hardly a false accusation ~ fascist, perhaps, but not false
I’m sure the people who still use the phrase don’t understand how it makes Witches feel; those same people probably think that Jews over-react about their holocaust and that there were no AmerIndian, Romani, Slavic, homosexual, Freemason, African, Soviet, Rawandan, Serbian, or any other holocausts [sorry, know I missed some]
I have no delusion that we can stop this, but that’s no excuse for not fighting the ignorance in today's world
as Dylan wrote, you gotta stand for something, or you’ll fall for anything
do what you can
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Blessed Be
I was watching one of my favourite shows on the telly Thursday evening and was shocked, for some reason, when I heard the phrase ‘witch-hunt’ [there’s no smiley for my reaction]
I was shocked because I thought it was being used less these days; maybe it was an old show; maybe it was just harder to ignore on the day of the new Moon in Aries [happy new year!]
the original witch-hunts were a process of making false accusations against a large number of people and, usually, torturing or executing them; there were trials sometimes, but no one was acquitted, not even Joan, who ‘saved’ France
a significant proportion of those burned at the stake were spinster or widowed women who ‘owned’ land, which was then appropriated by The Church; smaller communities of victims included subversives and ‘sorceresses’; recent research indicates many victims were young women executed because of the way they reacted to moldy food, especially anything made with rye flour
the witch-hunt label is used mostly today to describe the process of searching out and harassing dissenters, a far cry from the original meaning; and accusing a dissenter of dissenting is hardly a false accusation ~ fascist, perhaps, but not false
I’m sure the people who still use the phrase don’t understand how it makes Witches feel; those same people probably think that Jews over-react about their holocaust and that there were no AmerIndian, Romani, Slavic, homosexual, Freemason, African, Soviet, Rawandan, Serbian, or any other holocausts [sorry, know I missed some]
I have no delusion that we can stop this, but that’s no excuse for not fighting the ignorance in today's world
as Dylan wrote, you gotta stand for something, or you’ll fall for anything
do what you can
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Blessed Be
fiery faucets ~ updated Mar 27
think water puts out fires?
not in this Colorado home; don't think it'd be a good idea to drink it, either
Mar 27 update
I thought fiery water was an interesting anomaly, but it turns out some of the smart scientist-guys think we can cut GHGs by burning ice
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Blessed Be
not in this Colorado home; don't think it'd be a good idea to drink it, either
Mar 27 update
I thought fiery water was an interesting anomaly, but it turns out some of the smart scientist-guys think we can cut GHGs by burning ice
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Blessed Be
what if …
… we had 90 seconds to duck & cover?
and what if, instead of a solar storm, it's The Big One off the Pacific NorthWest coast, or another killer asteroid, or a thermonuclear suitcase bomb, or … ?
now, I don’t mean to be apocalyptic ~ or maybe I do, considering the word apocalypse originally referred to hidden knowledge, not ‘end of the world’ ~ but I’ve never believed ignorance is bliss, and if it were, shouldn’t we all know exactly what’s going on? after all, not many of the people I see in my daily life seem to demonstrate much bliss, ignorant or otherwise
I’ve never understood why so few people want to pay attention to anything outside their backyard, if they even look that far; that’s like keeping your eyes closed on a roller-coaster ride
if life is so fragile, shouldn’t we celebrate it more and treat one another better?
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Blessed Be
and what if, instead of a solar storm, it's The Big One off the Pacific NorthWest coast, or another killer asteroid, or a thermonuclear suitcase bomb, or … ?
now, I don’t mean to be apocalyptic ~ or maybe I do, considering the word apocalypse originally referred to hidden knowledge, not ‘end of the world’ ~ but I’ve never believed ignorance is bliss, and if it were, shouldn’t we all know exactly what’s going on? after all, not many of the people I see in my daily life seem to demonstrate much bliss, ignorant or otherwise
I’ve never understood why so few people want to pay attention to anything outside their backyard, if they even look that far; that’s like keeping your eyes closed on a roller-coaster ride
if life is so fragile, shouldn’t we celebrate it more and treat one another better?
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Blessed Be
the new witch hunts : {
just because we don’t hear much about the executions on the evening news doesn’t mean The Burning Times are gone
Patti’s Paganism/Wicca blog has a rundown on some of what’s going on these days in Gambia, as well as reference links to other postings; it’s not pretty, so reader discretion is required
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Blessed Be
Patti’s Paganism/Wicca blog has a rundown on some of what’s going on these days in Gambia, as well as reference links to other postings; it’s not pretty, so reader discretion is required
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Blessed Be
the new S–word?
first of all, as a Witch my ‘old’ S-word, of course, is Satan, described erroneously by many Witches as a Christian invention, probably because so many Christians erroneously associate him with the Craft
but these days I’m far more interested in the new word; while the energies associated with the metaphoric Satan may have something [e.g. greed, etc] to do with today’s so-called financial crisis, I’ve never been a big S fan, and I really prefer the new S-word, described by – among others – a recent AlterNet posting as the Decline and Fall of Capitalism

this could have been what Khrushchev meant in his shoe-thumping "Мы вас похороним!" speech at the United Nations, but I’m not sure that rant counts for much, since the Soviet empire fell apart more than 2 decades ago
the new S-word, of course, precipitates instant knee-jerk reactions among people who would have been happy living in McCarthy’s better-dead-than-red days
but it’s hopeful and inspiring to see more people, reaching as far into the mainstream as Alan Greenspan, suggesting it might be time to toss the money lenders out of the temple again
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Blessed Be
but these days I’m far more interested in the new word; while the energies associated with the metaphoric Satan may have something [e.g. greed, etc] to do with today’s so-called financial crisis, I’ve never been a big S fan, and I really prefer the new S-word, described by – among others – a recent AlterNet posting as the Decline and Fall of Capitalism

this could have been what Khrushchev meant in his shoe-thumping "Мы вас похороним!" speech at the United Nations, but I’m not sure that rant counts for much, since the Soviet empire fell apart more than 2 decades ago
the new S-word, of course, precipitates instant knee-jerk reactions among people who would have been happy living in McCarthy’s better-dead-than-red days
but it’s hopeful and inspiring to see more people, reaching as far into the mainstream as Alan Greenspan, suggesting it might be time to toss the money lenders out of the temple again
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Blessed Be
Hail, Spock!
hey, Trekkies! heard the news?
Vulcan, AB, – so-named in 1915 after the Roman God of Fire – has been lobbying Paramount Pictures for a year to premiere the next Star Trek movie there
personally, I would’ve thought it was a no-brainer, given the town’s obsession with Vulcan and the fact it’s hosting VulCON16: Spock Days/Galaxyfest 2009
but, apparently a few hundred Canadians with a Spock-fetish in a town named Vulcan aren’t enough to impress or inspire Hollywood’s P.R. “gurus”; I guess that’s why I still work north of the 49th, eh?
or at least they weren’t impressed until Spock himself stepped in to support the town
now Canwest News Service reports Paramount has agreed to set up a special screening of the film for the Vulcans; not a premiere, but better than nothing, I guess, for Canadians
Live long and prosper!
Vulcan, AB, – so-named in 1915 after the Roman God of Fire – has been lobbying Paramount Pictures for a year to premiere the next Star Trek movie there
personally, I would’ve thought it was a no-brainer, given the town’s obsession with Vulcan and the fact it’s hosting VulCON16: Spock Days/Galaxyfest 2009
but, apparently a few hundred Canadians with a Spock-fetish in a town named Vulcan aren’t enough to impress or inspire Hollywood’s P.R. “gurus”; I guess that’s why I still work north of the 49th, eh?
or at least they weren’t impressed until Spock himself stepped in to support the town
now Canwest News Service reports Paramount has agreed to set up a special screening of the film for the Vulcans; not a premiere, but better than nothing, I guess, for Canadians
Live long and prosper!
so where’d the cauldron come from?
[a commentary on black holes]
one of my many favoured creation metaphors, for this universe at least, is that The Goddess [a.k.a. God, Raven, Spider Grandmother, Mbombo, Mangala, Damballah, etcetera, including Izanagi and Izanami] created everything, from the chaos/void in Her cauldron before the Beginning of Time
it’s only one of the creation myths/metaphors/folklore/science that I like; there are so many creation myths, and they all are myths because no one who knows has any evidence; Joseph Campbell, in his pre-suicide PBS interviews, said they all tell a universal story ~ pare any creation story down to an outline and you have an outline for every/any creation story
the people closest to knowing are the NDE survivors, whose experiences don’t match the myths ~ except the ones who thought they’d gone to hell, which might support some myths I guess
I also relate to theories going around years ago about the possibility that black holes are the seeds of new universes or new dimensions, which would mean that this universe can reproduce, which is also one of the criteria for life, which would mean the universe is alive, just like Witches, shaman and others have been teaching forever [duh!]
who knows if we’ll ever find out, as long as we live here; but we do have an interesting opportunity ahead to find out what happens if 2 black holes collide!
would that give you twins?
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Blessed Be
one of my many favoured creation metaphors, for this universe at least, is that The Goddess [a.k.a. God, Raven, Spider Grandmother, Mbombo, Mangala, Damballah, etcetera, including Izanagi and Izanami] created everything, from the chaos/void in Her cauldron before the Beginning of Time
it’s only one of the creation myths/metaphors/folklore/science that I like; there are so many creation myths, and they all are myths because no one who knows has any evidence; Joseph Campbell, in his pre-suicide PBS interviews, said they all tell a universal story ~ pare any creation story down to an outline and you have an outline for every/any creation story
the people closest to knowing are the NDE survivors, whose experiences don’t match the myths ~ except the ones who thought they’d gone to hell, which might support some myths I guess
I also relate to theories going around years ago about the possibility that black holes are the seeds of new universes or new dimensions, which would mean that this universe can reproduce, which is also one of the criteria for life, which would mean the universe is alive, just like Witches, shaman and others have been teaching forever [duh!]
who knows if we’ll ever find out, as long as we live here; but we do have an interesting opportunity ahead to find out what happens if 2 black holes collide!
would that give you twins?
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Blessed Be
got ancient trees in your can?
synchronicity is an amazing Cosmic Truth; I’m not sure which entrances me more, the way it works so seamlessly, if you let it, or the way the uninitiated react when ‘coincidence’ becomes obvious
for example, a recent conversation touched on the differences between North American toilets and those around the rest of the planet, which revived some of my memories about Soviet toilets, especially the splinters in the toilet paper in Odessa more than 20 years ago
a far cry from the downy-soft stuff a lot of us use here in Consumption Land, eh?
then I found out about the sacrifice ancient forests play in keeping our bottoms comfy in the can; AlterNet has posted a summary of reports about the fact more than 98% of the toilet paper Americans use [and I doubt Canada's much different] comes from virgin and old growth forests; the posting includes links to source postings from Greenpeace, The Guardian and the New York Times
how green is that?
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Blessed Be
for example, a recent conversation touched on the differences between North American toilets and those around the rest of the planet, which revived some of my memories about Soviet toilets, especially the splinters in the toilet paper in Odessa more than 20 years ago
a far cry from the downy-soft stuff a lot of us use here in Consumption Land, eh?
then I found out about the sacrifice ancient forests play in keeping our bottoms comfy in the can; AlterNet has posted a summary of reports about the fact more than 98% of the toilet paper Americans use [and I doubt Canada's much different] comes from virgin and old growth forests; the posting includes links to source postings from Greenpeace, The Guardian and the New York Times
how green is that?
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Blessed Be
downside of intelligence
octopi are smarter than they look
perhaps too smart, for one who longed to escape the confines of the aquarium
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Blessed Be
perhaps too smart, for one who longed to escape the confines of the aquarium
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Blessed Be
Today in the Life
[with apologies to John Lennon and Paul McCartney]
when I was a kid, old people worried about cheap imports from Japan, except of course for transistor radios; my parents bought me my first transistor, about the size of a pack of cigarettes, when I was only 10 or 11 [that was like 7 or 8 today]
by my teens, people complained about the cheap and poorly-made goods they bought from Hong Kong, and a few years later from Taiwan
and today’s world? an e-mail making the rounds lays out the daily agenda:
John Smith started early
✪ having set his alarm clock [MADE IN JAPAN] for 6 am
✪ while his coffeepot [MADE IN CHINA] was perking
✪ he shaved with his electric razor [MADE IN HONG KONG]
✪ put on a dress shirt [MADE IN SRI LANKA]
✪ designer jeans [MADE IN SINGAPORE]
✪ and tennis shoes [MADE IN KOREA]
✪ after making breakfast in his new skillet [MADE IN INDIA]
✪ he sat down with his calculator [MADE IN MEXICO]
to see how much he could spend today;
✪ after setting his watch [MADE IN TAIWAN]
✪ to the radio [MADE IN INDIA]
✪ he got in his car [MADE IN GERMANY]
✪ filled it with gas [FROM SAUDI ARABIA]
and continued his search for a good paying job
at the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day
✪ checking his computer [MADE IN MALAYSIA]
John decided to relax for a while so he
✪ put on his sandals [MADE IN BRAZIL]
✪ poured himself a glass of wine [MADE IN FRANCE]
✪ turned on his TV [MADE IN INDONESIA]
and wondered why he can't find
a Good Paying Job in the USA
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Blessed Be
when I was a kid, old people worried about cheap imports from Japan, except of course for transistor radios; my parents bought me my first transistor, about the size of a pack of cigarettes, when I was only 10 or 11 [that was like 7 or 8 today]
by my teens, people complained about the cheap and poorly-made goods they bought from Hong Kong, and a few years later from Taiwan
and today’s world? an e-mail making the rounds lays out the daily agenda:
John Smith started early
✪ having set his alarm clock [MADE IN JAPAN] for 6 am
✪ while his coffeepot [MADE IN CHINA] was perking
✪ he shaved with his electric razor [MADE IN HONG KONG]
✪ put on a dress shirt [MADE IN SRI LANKA]
✪ designer jeans [MADE IN SINGAPORE]
✪ and tennis shoes [MADE IN KOREA]
✪ after making breakfast in his new skillet [MADE IN INDIA]
✪ he sat down with his calculator [MADE IN MEXICO]
to see how much he could spend today;
✪ after setting his watch [MADE IN TAIWAN]
✪ to the radio [MADE IN INDIA]
✪ he got in his car [MADE IN GERMANY]
✪ filled it with gas [FROM SAUDI ARABIA]
and continued his search for a good paying job
at the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day
✪ checking his computer [MADE IN MALAYSIA]
John decided to relax for a while so he
✪ put on his sandals [MADE IN BRAZIL]
✪ poured himself a glass of wine [MADE IN FRANCE]
✪ turned on his TV [MADE IN INDONESIA]
and wondered why he can't find
a Good Paying Job in the USA
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Blessed Be
awake yet?
if you still think the "economic crisis" can be fixed, you might benefit from going to the links in the September 18 post again and considering how well we've done so far; if that doesn't work, spend a day sorting through Google hits for broken + economy
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Blessed Be
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Blessed Be
Hey! where’s my bailout?
it’s nice to see General Motors making a logical decision that recognizes things are changing and that we all need to wake up to realities we’ve ignored for decades, at least since 1929 if not earlier: survival over the long term is impossible without sustainable, reality-based decisions
refusing life support for a company that isn't making it is a Business 101 decision; we need more such sensibility, especially among those who spend my money, i.e. governments; how ironic that GM's bosses don’t believe governments should apply the Saab logic to them
the most important question is why more taxpayers aren’t speaking out about using our money to support failing multinational companies from the Wall Street, Enron, Lehman Brothers, Etc School of Business Administration, especially a company like GM that is still paying its executives obscene wages, building cars fewer of us want to buy, and repeating broken promises about electric vehicles out of one side of its corporate mouth while out of the other side resurrecting a 60s-era gasoline-powered muscle car, the Camaro, and making the Corvette, another greenhouse-gas generator, more powerful than ever
governments should apply the Golden Rule and treat GM the way GM is treating Saab; GM won't be the first large company to go bankrupt and it certainly won't be the last
governments definitely have a major role here, but it's not to prop up private-sector capitalist entrepreneurs who can no longer survive in today's world because they've ignored evolving realities
the first priority, of course, is to redirect bailout money toward minimizing the difficulties auto workers will face and help them transition to the long-predicted green "future" that's here now; might be a good time to make some reality-based revisions to bring employment insurance into the 21st Century; this will, of course, require that federal cabinet ministers stop suggesting some workers find temporary [and paltry] bridge financing more lucrative than a pay cheque
the next step would be to direct what's left of the requested auto bailout money to help design and develop the infrastructure Canada needs to make electric and other non-hydrocarbon vehicles more practical
and, of course, GM must go on the auction block if it cannot successfully restructure itself in today's market, just as dozens of North American automobile manufacturers and other companies have over the past century, and just as GM expects Saab to try today; GM's been losing money for too long to expect a taxpayer bailout; hell, it might even survive corporately under new ownership as a sustainable company, albeit one making different and fewer models than GM has been
maybe if someone buys the rights to Chrysler's Viper they'll pick up GM's Corvette, too; who knows? after the dust settles there might still be a future for boutique companies making specialty and niche products, such as Ferraris or Hummers
there's a bright future for companies like ZENN or Tesla, and government should be supporting and promoting them as a diversion from our previous unsustainable path
perhaps governments could help launch a new Canadian company, buying some of GM's assets like the plug-in Volt and introducing new model lines, such as up-dated and redesigned EVs, a more-practical, less-expensive version of the Tesla, or a plug-in Viper, all engineered for Canadian weather and potentially profitable exports
that might initially cost more than what the gasoline-car companies are asking for today, but it’s more likely to be seen in hindsight as a sensible and sustainable investment
and we don’t need to reinvent the wheel [pun intended]; we already have the seeds for transition, from ZENN cars and others to hundreds if not thousands of electrical conversions across Canada
the will is here
the technology is here, and getting better every day
it’s time we stopped throwing money into a broken bucket
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Blessed Be
refusing life support for a company that isn't making it is a Business 101 decision; we need more such sensibility, especially among those who spend my money, i.e. governments; how ironic that GM's bosses don’t believe governments should apply the Saab logic to them
the most important question is why more taxpayers aren’t speaking out about using our money to support failing multinational companies from the Wall Street, Enron, Lehman Brothers, Etc School of Business Administration, especially a company like GM that is still paying its executives obscene wages, building cars fewer of us want to buy, and repeating broken promises about electric vehicles out of one side of its corporate mouth while out of the other side resurrecting a 60s-era gasoline-powered muscle car, the Camaro, and making the Corvette, another greenhouse-gas generator, more powerful than ever
governments should apply the Golden Rule and treat GM the way GM is treating Saab; GM won't be the first large company to go bankrupt and it certainly won't be the last
governments definitely have a major role here, but it's not to prop up private-sector capitalist entrepreneurs who can no longer survive in today's world because they've ignored evolving realities
the first priority, of course, is to redirect bailout money toward minimizing the difficulties auto workers will face and help them transition to the long-predicted green "future" that's here now; might be a good time to make some reality-based revisions to bring employment insurance into the 21st Century; this will, of course, require that federal cabinet ministers stop suggesting some workers find temporary [and paltry] bridge financing more lucrative than a pay cheque
the next step would be to direct what's left of the requested auto bailout money to help design and develop the infrastructure Canada needs to make electric and other non-hydrocarbon vehicles more practical
and, of course, GM must go on the auction block if it cannot successfully restructure itself in today's market, just as dozens of North American automobile manufacturers and other companies have over the past century, and just as GM expects Saab to try today; GM's been losing money for too long to expect a taxpayer bailout; hell, it might even survive corporately under new ownership as a sustainable company, albeit one making different and fewer models than GM has been
maybe if someone buys the rights to Chrysler's Viper they'll pick up GM's Corvette, too; who knows? after the dust settles there might still be a future for boutique companies making specialty and niche products, such as Ferraris or Hummers
there's a bright future for companies like ZENN or Tesla, and government should be supporting and promoting them as a diversion from our previous unsustainable path
perhaps governments could help launch a new Canadian company, buying some of GM's assets like the plug-in Volt and introducing new model lines, such as up-dated and redesigned EVs, a more-practical, less-expensive version of the Tesla, or a plug-in Viper, all engineered for Canadian weather and potentially profitable exports
that might initially cost more than what the gasoline-car companies are asking for today, but it’s more likely to be seen in hindsight as a sensible and sustainable investment
and we don’t need to reinvent the wheel [pun intended]; we already have the seeds for transition, from ZENN cars and others to hundreds if not thousands of electrical conversions across Canada
the will is here
the technology is here, and getting better every day
it’s time we stopped throwing money into a broken bucket
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Blessed Be
mythstory links
long ago, in a previous century, I came to understand, and wrote about, the concept that myth is what’s left of history, i.e. what today will be at sometime in the future [I once suggested myth was the history men rejected when they took control of keeping written records ☺]
I was sorting hits from a Google search recently when I came across this magnificent site of indeterminate age that seems to be an excellent index to e-content about myths, legends, history…
beware the impermanence of the Internet! Myths & Legends has been around since 1992, and at one time was on an MIT server; today’s content is dated at 2002; the main page is dated at 2003
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Blessed Be
I was sorting hits from a Google search recently when I came across this magnificent site of indeterminate age that seems to be an excellent index to e-content about myths, legends, history…
beware the impermanence of the Internet! Myths & Legends has been around since 1992, and at one time was on an MIT server; today’s content is dated at 2002; the main page is dated at 2003
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Blessed Be
21st Century censorship
we’ve come a long way since George Orwell wrote 1984 and it’s interesting how much our world reflects his once-improbable Big Brother visions, in spirit if not according to the letter of the novel
in many ways we’ve gone far beyond Orwell’s Ministry of Truth, but it’s scary how few people realize it and even scarier how few care
censorship, of course, is an ancient and time-worn strategy for authorities of all stripes; in today’s information age, managing Truth is easier than ever, and more anonymous thanks to hi-tech; unlike the citizens of most 20th Century dictatorships, we don't even realize it's happening
don't believe it? tried to find any concrete, real-world information about Al-Qaeda?
noticed how hard it was to access news about Yellowstone’s unprecedented quake swarm, if you ever heard about it in the first place?
what have you heard about the US-Russian dash toward conflict in South America?
the explanation is always that a website was “overloaded”, “crashed”, etc, because of the high number of people trying to access the info; They call it an Information Bottleneck; you could choose to believe that, or you might wonder if They left the phone receiver off the hook deliberately, to give everybody a busy signal instead of an answer
a recent Utne Reader article suggests authorities are realizing the Internet’s potential as a “flexible and effective mechanism for thought control”; Utne describes modern control of access to information as censorship by frustration
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Blessed Be
in many ways we’ve gone far beyond Orwell’s Ministry of Truth, but it’s scary how few people realize it and even scarier how few care
censorship, of course, is an ancient and time-worn strategy for authorities of all stripes; in today’s information age, managing Truth is easier than ever, and more anonymous thanks to hi-tech; unlike the citizens of most 20th Century dictatorships, we don't even realize it's happening
don't believe it? tried to find any concrete, real-world information about Al-Qaeda?
noticed how hard it was to access news about Yellowstone’s unprecedented quake swarm, if you ever heard about it in the first place?
what have you heard about the US-Russian dash toward conflict in South America?
the explanation is always that a website was “overloaded”, “crashed”, etc, because of the high number of people trying to access the info; They call it an Information Bottleneck; you could choose to believe that, or you might wonder if They left the phone receiver off the hook deliberately, to give everybody a busy signal instead of an answer
a recent Utne Reader article suggests authorities are realizing the Internet’s potential as a “flexible and effective mechanism for thought control”; Utne describes modern control of access to information as censorship by frustration
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Blessed Be
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