got ancient trees in your can?

synchronicity is an amazing Cosmic Truth; I’m not sure which entrances me more, the way it works so seamlessly, if you let it, or the way the uninitiated react when ‘coincidence’ becomes obvious

for example, a recent conversation touched on the differences between North American toilets and those around the rest of the planet, which revived some of my memories about Soviet toilets, especially the splinters in the toilet paper in Odessa more than 20 years ago

a far cry from the downy-soft stuff a lot of us use here in Consumption Land, eh?

then I found out about the sacrifice ancient forests play in keeping our bottoms comfy in the can; AlterNet has posted a summary of reports about the fact more than 98% of the toilet paper Americans use [and I doubt Canada's much different] comes from virgin and old growth forests; the posting includes links to source postings from Greenpeace, The Guardian and the New York Times

how green is that?

more next time

Blessed Be

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