the new S–word?

first of all, as a Witch my ‘old’ S-word, of course, is Satan, described erroneously by many Witches as a Christian invention, probably because so many Christians erroneously associate him with the Craft

but these days I’m far more interested in the new word; while the energies associated with the metaphoric Satan may have something [e.g. greed, etc] to do with today’s so-called financial crisis, I’ve never been a big S fan, and I really prefer the new S-word, described by – among others – a recent AlterNet posting as the Decline and Fall of Capitalism

this could have been what Khrushchev meant in his shoe-thumping "Мы вас похороним!" speech at the United Nations, but I’m not sure that rant counts for much, since the Soviet empire fell apart more than 2 decades ago

the new S-word, of course, precipitates instant knee-jerk reactions among people who would have been happy living in McCarthy’s better-dead-than-red days

but it’s hopeful and inspiring to see more people, reaching as far into the mainstream as Alan Greenspan, suggesting it might be time to toss the money lenders out of the temple again

more next time

Blessed Be

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